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Hematoma | definition of Hematoma by Medical dictionary
- Hematoma. A localized collection of blood that accumulates in an organ, tissue, or body space as the result of leakage from a broken blood vessel. Hematomas sometimes develop within the nasal cartilage when the nose is fractured.
Hematoma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- he· ma· to· ma ˌhē-mə-ˈtō-mə plural hematomas also hematomata ˌhē-mə-ˈtō-mə-tə : a mass of usually clotted blood that forms in a tissue, organ, or body space as a result of a …
Hematoma Definition & Meaning |
- noun, plural he·ma·to·mas, he·ma·to·ma·ta [hee-ma-toh-muh-tuh, hem-uh-]. Pathology. a circumscribed collection of blood, usually clotted, in a tissue or organ, caused by a break …
Hematomas | definition of hematomas by Medical dictionary
- haematoma An accumulation of free blood anywhere in the body, that has partially clotted to form a semi-solid mass. Haematomas may be caused by injury or may occur …
Hematoma: Overview, types, treatment, and pictures
- A hematoma is an area of blood that collects outside of the larger blood vessels. The term hematoma describes an area of blood that collects outside of the …
hematoma - Medical Dictionary
- Bleeding into the muscle and soft tissue, which can cause a build-up of blood in the area (called a hematoma ). Bleeding of the mouth and gums, including bleeding that is hard to …
Medical Definition of Hematoma - MedicineNet
- Hematoma: A localized swelling that is filled with blood caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel. The breakage may be spontaneous, as in the case of an …
Hematoma Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
- A blood clot ( hematoma) may occur if a blood vessel between the skull and the brain ruptures; when the blood leaks out and forms a clot, it can press against brain tissue, …
Hematoma - definition of hematoma by The Free Dictionary
- he·ma·to·ma. (hē′mə-tō′mə) The abnormal buildup of blood in an organ or other tissue of the body, caused by a break in a blood vessel. A bruise is a type of hematoma. The …
Subdural hematoma Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
- : a hematoma that occurs between the dura mater and arachnoid in the subdural space and that may apply neurologically significant pressure to the cerebral …
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