At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hepatic Hydrothorax Initial Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hepatic hydrothorax - UpToDate
    Patients who develop hepatic hydrothorax are more likely to have ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, acute kidney injury (AKI), and increased risk of mortality. In a retrospective analysis of 495 patients with cirrhosis and pleural effusion, 16 percent had …

Hepatic Hydrothorax: Clinical Features, Management, …,.2.aspx
    The management of hepatic hydrothorax typically includes medical management with diuretics and sodium restriction and therapeutic thoracentesis as needed. …

Pleural Interventions in the Management of Hepatic …
    Hepatic hydrothorax (HH) is defined by the presence of a pleural effusion in the setting of a patient with underlying liver disease, without evidence of other …

New Treatment for Hepatic Hydrothorax? | Annals of the …
    The management of hepatic hydrothorax is difficult. The initial treatment should be a low-salt diet plus diuretics. The best diuretic regimen is probably the …

Hepatic hydrothorax - Wikipedia

    Hepatic hydrothorax: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and …
      Abstract. Hepatic hydrothorax is defined as a pleural effusion in a patient with cirrhosis of the liver and no cardiopulmonary disease. The estimated prevalence of this often …

    Hepatic Hydrothorax - PubMed
      Hepatic hydrothorax (HH) is a pleural effusion that develops in a patient with cirrhosis and portal hypertension in the absence of cardiopulmonary disease. Although the …

    Hepatic hydrothorax: pathophysiology diagnosis and …
      The diagnosis of hepatic hydrothorax should be suspected in a patient with established cirrhosis and portal hypertension, presenting with a unilateral pleural effusion, most …

    Hepatic hydrothorax: current concepts of …
      Although, commonly seen in conjunction with ascites, isolated hepatic hydrothorax can occur in a small number of patients with cirrhosis. Refractory hepatic hydrothorax …

    Hepatic hydrothorax - PubMed
      Hepatic hydrothorax is defined as a pleural effusion in patients with liver cirrhosis in the absence of cardiopulmonary disease. The estimated prevalence among patients …

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