At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hepatotropic Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hepatotropic | definition of hepatotropic by Medical …
    hepatotropic: [ hep″ah-to-trop´ik ] having a special affinity for or exerting a specific effect on the liver.

Hepatatrophy | definition of hepatatrophy by Medical …
    hep·a·ta·tro·phi·a, hepatatrophy (hep'ă-tă-trō'fē-ă, hep-ă-tat'rŏ-fē),

Hepatotropic definition and meaning | Collins English …
    Liver immunopathologic mechanisms during hepatotropic infection, malignant transformation, and autoimmunity are still unclear. Furthermore, the cell culture models of …

Hepatotropic viruses: new insights in pathogenesis and …
    This can be done by means of short-term "curative" treatment or long-term "suppressive" therapy. The first approach requires a 48-week course of peginterferon, …

Hepatotropic virus - definition of hepatotropic virus by …
    Define hepatotropic virus. hepatotropic virus synonyms, hepatotropic virus pronunciation, hepatotropic virus translation, English dictionary definition of hepatotropic virus. n. pl. …

Hepatotoxic | definition of hepatotoxic by Medical dictionary
    hepatotoxic: ( hep'ă-tō-tok'sik ), Relating to an agent that damages the liver, or pertaining to any such action.

Hepatotoxicity | definition of hepatotoxicity by Medical …
    hepatotoxicity: ( hep'ă-tō-tok-sis'i-tē ), The capacity of a drug, chemical, or other exposure to produce injury to the liver. Agents with recognized hepatotoxicity include carbon …

Hepatotoxic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    hepatotoxic: [adjective] relating to or causing injury to the liver.

Acute Hepatitis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
    Acute hepatitis is a term used to describe a wide variety of conditions characterized by acute inflammation of the hepatic parenchyma or injury to hepatocytes resulting in elevated liver function indices. In …

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