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Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test - Mayo Clinic
    Generally, a high BUN level means your kidneys aren't working well. But elevated BUN can also be due to: Dehydration, resulting from not drinking enough fluids or for other reasons; Urinary tract obstruction; Congestive heart failure or recent heart attack; Gastrointestinal bleeding; Shock; Severe burns; Certain … See more

BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): MedlinePlus Medical Test
    A BUN, or blood urea nitrogen test, can provide important information about your kidney function. The main job of your kidneys is to remove waste and extra fluid from your body. …

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): Testing, Levels & Indication
    A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test measures the amount of urea nitrogen in your blood. Levels of urea nitrogen is one marker on how well your kidneys are working. This is a …

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test: High vs. Low Levels, …
    This is known as the BUN/Creatinine ratio. Creatinine is a waste product from your muscles that is also filtered by your kidneys. Like BUN, high levels of creatinine could mean there …

BUN levels: Measurements, results, and …
    A doctor may carry out a BUN test alongside other kidney tests, such as the serum creatinine test. …

What Level of BUN Indicates Kidney …
    Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is one of the parameters used to ascertain kidney function. There is no definite value of BUN that would diagnose kidney failure. …

BUN/Creatinine Ratio: High & Low Levels
    A high BUN/Creatinine ratio indicates an underlying disease/disorder and will usually be accompanied by the symptoms of this underlying disorder. The causes …

Azotemia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
    Go to: Introduction Azotemia is a biochemical abnormality, defined as elevation, or buildup of, nitrogenous products (BUN-usually ranging 7 to 21 mg/dL), creatinine …

How to Lower BUN Levels: 9 Steps (with …
    A blood urea nitrogen (BUN) test is used to determine the amount of urea nitrogen, or waste product, …

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) | Johns …
    A medical history will give clues regarding conditions that can mimic BPH, such as urethral stricture, bladder cancer or stones, or abnormal bladder/pelvic floor function …

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