At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Histiocyte Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Histiocyte | definition of histiocyte by Medical dictionary
    his·ti·o·cyte ( his'tē-ō-sīt' ), A tissue macrophage; the class includes hepatic Kupffer cells, alveolar macrophages, giant cells of granulomas, osteoclasts, and dermal Langerhans cells. These cells derive from precursors that normally reside in bone marrow but migrate …

Histiocyte Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    histiocyte noun his· tio· cyte ˈhi-stē-ə-ˌsīt : macrophage especially : a nonmotile macrophage of extravascular tissues and especially connective tissue histiocytic ˌhi-stē-ə …

Histiocyte - Wikipedia

    Histiocytes | definition of Histiocytes by Medical dictionary
      his·ti·o·cyte ( his'tē-ō-sīt' ), A tissue macrophage; the class includes hepatic Kupffer cells, alveolar macrophages, giant cells of granulomas, osteoclasts, and dermal Langerhans …

    Histiocytosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
      A histiocyte is a normal immune cell that is found in many parts of the body especially in the bone marrow, the blood stream, the skin, the liver, the lungs, the lymph …

    Medical Definition of Histiocyte - MedicineNet
      Histiocyte: A type of white blood cell, also called a macrophage, that is created by the bone marrow. They usually stay in place, but when histiocytes are …

    Macrophage: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
      A macrophage is a type of immune cell. It destroys foreign substances to protect the body from infection. Information Macrophages do not travel through the blood. Instead, they …

    Histiocytosis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
      Histiocytosis is a general name for a group of disorders or "syndromes" that involve an abnormal increase in the number of specialized white blood cells that are called …

    What Are Adult Histiocyte Disorders? - Dana-Farber …
      Adult histiocyte disorders are a group of rare diseases that involve an over-production of white blood cells known as histiocytes, which destroy foreign substances and protect the body from infection. In adults, …

    Histiocytes - Pathology dictionary -
      Histiocytes are a type of immune cell. They help the body heal after an injury or infection by removing dead cells, blood, micro-organisms (such as bacteria and fungus), and foreign …

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