At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Hong Kong International Medical Center Beijing. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

    医疗服务预约电话 010 - 8541 2788 [email protected] 门诊时间: 周一 ~ 周日 9:00-17:00 就医指南 会员服务

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing
    Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Beijing was founded in 1993 and also was the first joint venture clinic approved by the Ministry of Health in China. Located in one of the more modern areas of Beijing in …

Beijing Hospitals for Foreigners, International Hospitals
    This medicial center is also a renowned one among Beijing hospitals for foreigners. Tel: +86 10 6465 1561/2/3 Regular Hours: 08:00~20:00 Address: 50 Liangmaqiao Rd, Chaoyang District Hong Kong International Medical …

Virtus Medical acquired International Medical Center – Beijing
    Virtus provides its services from Virtus Medical Tower, a 15-storey medical facility located in the heart of Central, together with 15 specialist centres and two …

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