At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about How To Say Medical Procedure In Spanish. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical procedure in Spanish | English to Spanish …
    1. (medicine) a. los procedimiento médico (M) Keith underwent a medical procedure to have the cyst removed. Keith se sometió a un procedimiento médico para que le quitaran …

Procedure in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
    noun. 1. (steps) a. el procedimiento. (M) Everyone in this department has to follow the same work procedure.Todos en este departamento deben seguir el mismo procedimiento de trabajo. b. los trámites. (M)

Spanish Medical Terminology: Vocabulary and Phrases
    Some of the basic and important medical terms in Spanish are: La diabetes (lah dyah-beh-tehs): the diabetes El asma (ehl ahs-mha): the asthma El laboratorio (ehl …

149 Spanish Medical Terms for Medical Professionals

    medical procedure - Spanish translation – Linguee
      Dictionary English-Spanish medical procedure noun procedimiento médico m (often used) less common: intervención médica f See also: medical adj — médico adj · clínico adj · …

    139 Useful Spanish Medical Terms for Travelers and …
      Ready to learn medical Spanish? Get started with this list! 139 Spanish Medical Terms All Learners Should Know 1. Dolor. Dolor means “pain.” It can refer to either physical or mental pain. 2. …

    Spanish Medical Terms and Phrases for Healthcare …
      Enfermo: this Spanish word works both as an adjective and as a noun. If we use it as an adjective the word would mean “sick”, meanwhile when used as a noun it …

    "medical procedure" in Spanish | Spanish-English …
      Transplantation is a medical procedure and it is difficult to justify why patients should not have the right to benefit from it as cross-border health care, as ruled by the Court. El …

    How to say (medical) PROCEDURE in Spanish - YouTube
      Terms, grammar and phonetics may vary from other Spanish varieties and accents. Disclaimer👉🏻I’m a native speaker from Madrid, Spain. Terms, grammar and phonetics may …

    Commonly Used Patient Forms in Spanish | Cigna
      Consent, Refusal, Instruction and Treatment forms for Spanish-speaking patients. When your patient's primary language is Spanish, it impedes your ability to get accurate information with English forms. Use these Spanish …

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