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Hydra Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    hydra. noun. hy· dra. ˈhī-drə. 1. capitalized : a many-headed serpent or monster in Greek mythology killed by Hercules. 2. : any of numerous small tube-shaped freshwater animals related to the jellyfishes and having a mouth surrounded by tentacles at one end.

Hydra | definition of Hydra by Medical dictionary
    Hydra. a genus of the coelenterate class Hydrozoa. Most species are found in freshwater, and are unusual members of the Hydrozoa in not having an ALTERNATION OF …

What Is a HydraFacial and How Does It Work? - Healthline

    Hydrocele - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      A hydrocele (HI-droe-seel) is a type of swelling in the scrotum, the pouch of skin that holds the testicles. This swelling happens when fluid collects in the thin sac …

    Hydro- | definition of hydro- by Medical dictionary
      hydro- , hydr- ( hī'drō ), Do not confuse this combining form with hidro-. These are not merely spelling variants but are derived from different words. 3. A hydatid. [G. hydōr, …

    Hydra-headed Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      adjective hy· dra-head· ed ˌhī-drə-ˈhe-dəd : having many centers or branches a hydra-headed organization Word History Etymology hydra + head entry 1 + -ed entry 1 First …

    Hydrocele: Treatment, Causes & Symptoms - Cleveland …
      A hydrocele is when fluid fills a male’s scrotum, causing it to swell. It is not a major health issue but it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Hydroceles are more …

    Hydra Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
      Hydra. (Science: organism) genus of freshwater coelenterates (cnidarians). They are small, solitary and only exist in the polyp form, which is a radially …

    Hydra - Medical Dictionary
      Hydras. A genus of freshwater polyps in the family Hydridae, order Hydroida, class HYDROZOA. They are of special interest because of their complex organization and …

    Hydra - Medical Dictionary
      Hydra A genus of freshwater polyps in the family Hydridae, order Hydroida, class HYDROZOA. They are of special interest because of their complex organization and …

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