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Hypostatic Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    hypostatic adjective hy· po· stat· ic ˌhī-pə-ˈstat-ik 1 a of a gene : exhibiting hypostasis in the presence of a corresponding epistatic gene b of a hereditary character : suppressed by epistasis : appearing recessive to another character due to mediation by a hypostatic …

Hypostatic | definition of hypostatic by Medical dictionary
    hypostatic. 1. pertaining to, due to, or associated with hypostasis. 2. pertaining to certain inherited traits that are particularly liable to be suppressed by other traits; see …

Hypostatic Definition & Meaning |
    Hypostatic Definition & Meaning | Top Definitions Quiz Examples hypostatic [ hahy-p uh- stat-ik ] adjective of or relating to a hypostasis; fundamental. …

Hypostatic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 a : something that settles at the bottom of a fluid b : the settling of blood in the dependent parts of an organ or body 2 : person sense 3 3 a : the substance or essential nature of an …

Hypostatic pneumonia Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    hypostatic pneumonia noun : pneumonia that usually results from the collection of fluid in the dorsal region of the lungs and occurs especially in those (as the …

Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension) - Mayo …
    Overview Orthostatic hypotension — also called postural hypotension — is a form of low blood pressure that happens when standing after sitting or lying down. …

Hypostatic - definition of hypostatic by The Free Dictionary
    1. Philosophy The substance, essence, or underlying reality. 2. Christianity a. Any of the persons of the Trinity. b. The essential person of Jesus in which his human and divine …

Hypostatic pneumonia | definition of hypostatic …
    hy·po·stat·ic pneu·mo·ni·a. ( hī'pō-stat'ik nū-mō'nē-ă) Pneumonia resulting from infection developing in the dependent portions of the lungs due to decreased ventilation of …

Hypostatic congestion | definition of hypostatic …
    hy·po·stat·ic con·ges·tion. ( hī'pō-stat'ik kŏn-jes'chŭn) Congestion due to pooling of venous blood in a dependent part. Synonym (s): hypostasis (2) .

Hypostasis | definition of hypostasis by Medical dictionary
    1. Philosophy The substance, essence, or underlying reality. 2. Christianity a. Any of the persons of the Trinity. b. The essential person of Jesus in which his human and divine …

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