At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Igea Medical Uk. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Leader in Biophysical Therapies | IGEA Medical
    Leader in Biophysical Therapies | IGEA Medical. Orthopaedic Therapies. Electrochemotherapy. Gene Therapies. Company News & Events Research activities …

IGEA S.p.A. | LinkedIn
    IGEA S.p.A. | 2,380 followers on LinkedIn. Passion, Innovation, Research | IGEA studies the clinical application of physical stimuli to biological systems. Our mission is to improve …

Biostim® Therapy | IGEA Medical
    IGEA Therapy conforms to the EN 60601-1 safety standards for electromedical ... IGEA Technologies are registered in the Medical Devices Directory of the Italian Ministry of Health. …

Bone Growth Stimulators - IGEA® - IGEA Medical
    RESEARCH. IGEA is an Italian biomedical company, world leader in the production of medical devices in the orthopaedic, traumatology, electrochemotherapy and new gene …

Leader nelle Terapie Biofisiche | IGEA Medical
    IGEA S.p.A. Via Parmenide, 10/A 41012 Carpi (MO) - Italy tel +39 059 699600 fax +39 059 695778 pec [email protected] C.F. e P.I. 01021130362 € 168.776,00 i.v. REA …

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