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The medicalization of life | Journal of Medical Ethics
    Abstract. Two contributions from Dr Ivan Illich follow. The first, in which he sets out his primary thesis of the medicalization of life, is a section from Dr Illich's book …

Less medicine, more health: a memoir of Ivan Illich
    Ivan Illich was well ahead of his time 2 in identifying and classifying the health hazards of the “medicalisation of society”. In the mid-1970s he used medicine as an …

Ivan Illich - The Lancet
    Ivan Illich was a radical thinker whose ideas influenced the development in the 1970s of the environmental movement and of alternative and self-help health styles. …

The pros and cons of medicalisation | The BMJ
    discussion, has generated so much heat. Ivan Illich and his colleagues, who mounted such a trenchant attack on the process of medicalisation, also (and the name …

The statute of medicalization and the interpretations of …
    Illich addressed hypertrophy of medicalization in modern life by emphasizing the effect of reductions of subjects' autonomy, especially through the fact that medical …

Ivan Illich’s Theory of Imperial Medicalisation
    Ivan Illich’s Theory of Imperial Medicalisation. Posted by medicalisationandwomen on March 18, 2017. Ivan Illich was born in Austria in 1926. He …

Illich, Medicalisation, and Imperialism – Home
    There is the argument to be made that medicalisation is not only beneficial but in some ways necessary to those who are sick and whose illnesses are not seen as …

Philosopher Ivan Illich on the medicalization …
    In Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, philosopher Ivan Illich argues that modern improvements to medical care have not had an overall positive effect on society's health. …

Section 7: Social and structural iatrogenisis | Health …
    Illich's (1976) 'medicalisation of life' thesis is a radical critique of biomedicine and the medical profession which went on to become highly influential in the 1980s. Unlike the …

Illich, medicalisation and medical imperialism
    The term medicalisation is the term used to describe the process in which non medical problems later become defined and treated as medical problems. This tends to be in …

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