At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Imalink Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Discover us - deeplink-medical
- DEEPLINK MEDICAL was originally established as Imalink Medical in 2014 by 5 radiologists, an operations director and an IT manager. Medical expertise is truly part of …
Working at Imalink Medical | Glassdoor
- What is it really like to work at Imalink Medical? Join the community to connect with real employees and see what other professionals are saying about their companies.
Values & vision | eng-version
- Imalink Medical was born of the need to solve technical problems encountered by the medical world in the use of its IT tools. Our partners expressed a significant and urgent …
360 medics | Committed to excellence in care
- 360 medics Bringing together tools and resources for healthcare professionals for excellence in care Reliable, simple and free Used by 300,000 healthcare …
What is Telemedicine ? | eng-version
- Imalink-Medical, c’est la mutualisation de trois compétences et expertises complémentaires : What is Telemedicine? Telemedicine is a medical practice which, by means of new …
Imalink Medical - Home
- Imalink-Medical a pour vocation de replacer l’efficacité de la prise en charge du patient au cœur... 48. Rue Quivogne, 69002 Lyon, France
- Imalink Medical s’engage ainsi à être au plus proche de vos attentes et saura vous proposer des outils adaptés et déjà éprouvés pour la réussite de votre projet médical.
Deeplink Medical Company Profile: Valuation & Investors …
- The company's platform facilitates and enriches requests for imaging examinations, standardizes examination protocols, and guarantees the transmission of …
- Déposée le 26 octobre 2015 par la Société par Action Simplifiée (SAS) IMALINK MEDICAL auprès de l’Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (92 INPI - DÉPÔT …
- Le déposant est la Société par Action Simplifiée (SAS) IMALINK MEDICAL domicilié(e) 48 Rue Quivogne - 69002 - LYON - France et immatriculée sous le numéro RCS 803 476 …
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