At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Indication Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medically Indicated Late-Preterm and Early-Term Deliveries
    The timing of delivery in such cases must balance the maternal and newborn risks of late-preterm and early-term delivery with the risks associated with further continuation of pregnancy. Deferring delivery to the 39th week of gestation is not …

Indication (medicine) - Wikipedia

    Indication | definition of indication by Medical dictionary
      in·di·ca·tion. ( in'di-kā'shŭn) The basis or rationale for using a particular treatment or diagnostic test; may be furnished by a knowledge of the cause (causal indication), by …

    Indicate | definition of indicate by Medical dictionary
      indication: [ in″dĭ-ka´shun ] a sign or circumstance that points to or shows the cause, treatment, or some other aspect of a disease.

    Medical Definition of Indication - MedicineNet
      Indication: 1. In medicine, a condition which makes a particular treatment or procedure advisable. CML ( chronic myeloid leukemia) is an indication for the use of …

    Drug Indications & Contraindication: …
      Indication is the term for the approved uses of a medication. ... Off-label usage can be fairly safe and is considered a mainstream medical practice. For example, …

    Indication Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      indication: [noun] something that serves to indicate. something that is indicated as advisable or necessary.

    What Does Indication Mean On A Medical Alert Card? - MedMG
      For doctors, an indication is a symptom or circumstance that makes a particular medical treatment desirable. A contraindication, then, is a symptom or …

    Facebook - National Cancer Institute
      NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine.

    Contraindication: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
      A contraindication is a specific situation in which a drug, procedure, or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful to the person. There are two types …

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