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Indolent myeloma | definition of indolent myeloma by …
    Indolent myeloma comprises 5% of myelomas and is often detected by routine lab tests for unrelated reasons; most patients have stage-I disease. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. indolent myeloma Stable myeloma Oncology A slowly …

Stages of myeloma | Cancer Research UK
    Myeloma without symptoms (smouldering myeloma) Asymptomatic myeloma is also called smouldering or indolent myeloma. This means you don't have symptoms or any tissue …

What Indolent Means in a Medical Diagnosis - Verywell …
    Indolent lymphoma is a term used to describe less aggressive forms in lymphoma. Also known as low-grade lymphoma, indolent forms of the disease include …

What Are MGUS, Smoldering and Active Myeloma?
    Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells that make antibodies. In medical terms, these antibodies are …

Indolent | definition of indolent by Medical dictionary
    indolent (ĭn′də-lənt) adj. 1. a. Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy. b. Conducive to inactivity or laziness; lethargic: humid, indolent weather. 2. a. Causing little or no pain: …

Myeloma | definition of myeloma by Medical dictionary
    myeloma. [ mi″ĕ-lo´mah] 1. a tumor composed of plasma cells of the type normally found in the bone marrow. 2. multiple myeloma. giant cell myeloma giant cell tumor …

Indolently | definition of indolently by Medical dictionary
    1. a. Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy. b. Conducive to inactivity or laziness; lethargic: humid, indolent weather. 2. a. Causing little or no pain: an indolent tumor. b. …

Localized and indolent myeloma - PubMed
    All patients with indolent myeloma were asymptomatic from their low tumor mass disease, had a hemoglobin greater than 10 g/dl, and showed no more than 3 lytic bone …

IMWG Criteria for the Diagnosis of MM | Inl Myeloma Fn
    Recommended exam, tests, and imaging studies for the diagnosis of myeloma 1. History and Physical Examination2. Routine Testing Complete blood count with differential and …

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