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Innervate | definition of innervate by Medical dictionary
    innervate. (ĭn-nĕr′vāt) (ĭn′ĕr-vāt) [″ + nervus, nerve] 1. To send axons to synapse with another structure (as in, “a motor nerve innervates a muscle”). 2. To send axons to receive signals from a structure (as in, “a sensory nerve innervates the skin”). Medical …

Innervate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    innervate transitive verb in· ner· vate in-ˈər-ˌvāt, ˈin- (ˌ)ər- innervated; innervating 1 : to supply with nerves 2 : to arouse or stimulate (a nerve or an organ) to activity More from …

Innervates | definition of innervates by Medical dictionary
    innervate. (ĭn-nĕr′vāt) (ĭn′ĕr-vāt) [″ + nervus, nerve] 1. To send axons to synapse with another structure (as in, “a motor nerve innervates a muscle”). 2. To send axons to …

Innervation | definition of innervation by Medical dictionary
    in·ner·va·tion ( in'ĕr-vā'shŭn) The supply of motor and sensory nerve fibers functionally connected with an organ or region. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and …

INNERVATE | definition in the Cambridge English …
    innervate meaning: 1. to supply nerves to an organ or part of the body 2. to supply nerves to an organ or part of the…. Learn more.

INNERVATE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    innervate These neurons have two important features: (1) they innervate local and distant cortical areas, including the second somatosensory cortex and the motor cortex. From …

Innervate Definition & Meaning |
    verb (used with object), in·ner·vat·ed, in·ner·vat·ing. to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves. to furnish with nerves; grow nerves into. QUIZ Smoothly step …

Innervated | definition of innervated by Medical dictionary
    innervated. adjective Containing or characterized by nerves. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Want to …

Innervate - definition of innervate by The Free Dictionary
    1. To supply (an organ or a body part) with nerves. 2. To stimulate (a nerve, muscle, or body part) to action. in′ner·va′tion n. in′ner·va′tion·al (-vā′shə-nəl) adj. American …

Enervate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    en· er· vate ˈen-ər-ˌvāt enervated; enervating 1 obsolete : to cut the nerves or tendons of 2 : to lessen the vitality or strength of heat enervates people enervation ˌen-ər-ˈvā-shən …

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