At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Intravenous Definition Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Intravenous | definition of intravenous by Medical dictionary
    intravenous (ĭn′trə-vē′nəs) adj. Abbr. IV Within or administered into a vein. n. A drug, nutrient solution, or other substance administered into a vein. in′tra·ve′nous·ly adv. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin …

Intravenous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    intravenous adjective in· tra· ve· nous ˌin-trə-ˈvē-nəs 1 : situated within, performed within, occurring within, or administered by entering a vein an intravenous feeding intravenous …

IV Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : an apparatus used to administer a fluid (as of medication, blood, or nutrients) intravenously also : a fluid administered by IV IV 2 of 2 abbreviation intravenous; intravenously …

Intravenous Definition & Meaning |
    intravenous [ (in-truh- vee-nuhs) ] A descriptive term for things within a vein. Intravenous feeding or medication is the passing of nutrients or medicines into a vein through a tube. …

Intravenous: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Intravenous means "within a vein." Most often it refers to giving medicines or fluids through a needle or tube inserted into a vein. This allows the medicine or fluid to enter your …

INTRAVENOUS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
    intravenous adjective [ not gradable ] us / ˌɪn·trəˈvi·nəs / (abbreviation IV) put directly into a vein (= one of the tubes in the body that carry blood to the heart): an intravenous drug …

Intravenous infusion | definition of intravenous
    1. the steeping of a substance in water to obtain its soluble principles. 2. the product obtained by this process. 3. the slow therapeutic introduction of fluid other than blood into …

Intravenous definition and meaning | Collins English …
    intravenous in American English (ˌɪntrəˈvinəs) adjective 1. within a vein 2. of, pertaining to, employed in, or administered by injection into a vein an intravenous solution noun 3. an …

Medical Definition of Intravenous (IV) - MedicineNet
    Intravenous (IV): 1) Into a vein. Intravenous (IV) medications are a solutions administered directly into the venous circulation via a syringe or …

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