At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Iris Scissors Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Iris scissors Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    iris scissors noun plural : a small pair of scissors constructed for use in operations (as iridectomy) on the eyeball Dictionary Entries Near iris scissors Irish moss extractive iris scissors iritis See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Iris scissors.”

Iris scissors | definition of iris scissors by Medical dictionary
    iris scissors Surgical scissors with two sharp points used for delicate tissue dissection, e.g., in ophthalmic or vaginal surgeries. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex …

Bowman iris scissors | definition of Bowman iris
    Any of the olfactory glands, or branched tubuloalveolar glands located in the lamina propria of the olfactory membrane. Mucus from these glands keeps the olfactory …

De Wecker iris scissors - Medical Dictionary
    de Wecker scissors - a small scissors with sharp points for intraocular cutting of the iris and lens capsule. de Wecker sclerotomy de Wecker syringe cannula Medical Eponyms …

Iris Scissors | Medline Industries, Inc.
    Iris Scissors. Manufacturer: Medline. Description. Disclaimers. Multipurpose scissors for ophthalmologic and general surgery procedures. May be used for manipulating and incising tissue in an …

Knapp iris scissors | definition of Knapp iris scissors by …
    Looking for online definition of Knapp iris scissors in the Medical Dictionary? Knapp iris scissors explanation free. What is Knapp iris scissors? Meaning of Knapp iris …

The 5 Best Medical Scissors For Nurses, Doctors,
    The 5 types of medical scissors that will be detailed in this article are: Trauma Shears (Trauma Scissors) Bandage Scissors; Surgical Scissors; Mayo Scissors; Iris Scissors; These scissors can be …

Iris Scissors | Surgical & Medical | GerMedUSA Inc.
    Iris scissors are used in delicate tissue dissection in ophthalmological surgeries and postmortem examinations. The small inserts ensure fine cutting action. Here are some of …

Surgical Instruments – List, Names and Functions - Sutured
    Surgery is defined by the “Medical Dictionary” as the “branch of medicine that is concerned with conditions that are amenable to, or require, operative procedures.” Surgical Instruments list Surgical …

Iris scissors - definition of iris scissors by The Free …
    1. scissors(used with a sing. or pl. verb) A cutting implement consisting of two blades joined by a swivel pin that allows the cutting edges to be opened and closed. 2. scissors(used …

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