At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Ispaghula Seed Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ispaghul Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    noun. is· pa· ghul ˈis-pə-ˌgül -ˌgəl. : an Old World plantain of the genus Plantago (P. ovata) with mucilaginous seeds that are used as a demulcent and a purgative.

Ispaghula husk | definition of Ispaghula husk by Medical …
    n. 1. Any of several annual Eurasian plants of the genus Plantago, especially P. ovata or P. afra, having opposite leaves and small flowers borne in dense spikes. 2. The seed husks …

Ispaghula | definition of ispaghula by Medical dictionary
    of fiber unspecified) vs sterculia Randomized crossover trial (5) gum and antispasmodic 58 adults with uncomplicated Bran crispbread (6.99 g/d fiber), symptomatic diverticular …

Ispaghula seed, herbal medicine: summary for the …
    What is ispaghula seed? Ispaghula seed is the common name for the seeds of the plant Plantago ovata Forssk. The plant is cultivated or gathered to obtain the seeds for …

Ispaghula husk, herbal medicine: summary for the …
    What is Ispaghula husk? Ispaghula husk is the common name for the seed coats of the plant Plantago ovata Forssk. The plant is cultivated or gathered to obtain the seeds for …

Isphaghula. Ispaghula husk side effects and uses - Patient
    Ispaghula husk, a laxative, works by increasing the bulk of your stools, which encourages your bowels to move the stools through your digestive system, in turn …

Ispaghula - definition of ispaghula by The Free Dictionary
    Define ispaghula. ispaghula synonyms, ispaghula pronunciation, ispaghula translation, English dictionary definition of ispaghula. n dietary fibre derived from the seed husks of …

Ispaghula - Pharmacognosy
    Ispaghula seeds are used as an excellent demulcent and bulk laxative in chronic constipation. The laxative activity of ispaghula mucilage is purely mechanical. It is also useful …

Ispaghula Seed Medical Dictionary | Day of Difference
    Ispaghula Seed Medical Dictionary data. Medical information at Telephone (02) 8910 2000. Our Work. Critical Injury Research; Hospital Care Program; …

Ispaghula (Plantago ovata) - Uses, Health Benefits, …
    Ispaghula seeds are a popular remedy for several kinds of chronic dysentery and diarrhoea. In case of heaviness in the stomach and the intestines in dysentery, about 50 …

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