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Drug Dependence as a Chronic Medical Illness | JAMA
    To the Editor: Dr McLellan and colleagues 1 state that drug addiction should be treated as a chronic medical disease. This contradicts our experiences as a sheriff (L.A.) and an emergency department physician (D.L.S.) who regularly encounter patients who provide …

Drug dependence, a chronic medical illness: implications …
    Effective medications are available for treating nicotine, alcohol, and opiate dependence but not stimulant or marijuana dependence. Medication adherence and …

Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness: …
    lacking. We examined evidence that drug (including alcohol) dependence is a chronic medical illness. A literature review compared the diagnoses, heri …

Drug dependence as a chronic medical illness - PubMed
    Drug dependence as a chronic medical illness Drug dependence as a chronic medical illness Drug dependence as a chronic medical illness JAMA. 2001 Jan 24 …

Drug Dependence as a Chronic Medical Illness—Reply
    These are also brain changes that begin with the very first drug or alcohol uses, which may evolve into compulsive drug taking that is less subject to voluntary …

Chronic Care Management for Dependence on Alcohol …
    Treatments for substance dependence, particularly longitudinal ones, have efficacy. 6 Although primary care settings are designed to address most health care needs with …

[PDF] Drug dependence, a chronic medical illness: …
    JAMA. The effects of drug dependence on social systems has helped shape the generally held view that drug dependence is primarily a social problem, not a health …

McLellan AT, Lewis DC, O'Brien CP, Kleber …
    We examined evidence that drug (including alcohol) dependence is a chronic medical illness. A literature review compared the diagnoses, heritability, etiology …

Drug Dependence, A Chronic Medical Illness …'Brien_CP_Kleber_HD_Drug_dependence_a_chronic_medical_illness_implications_for_treatment_insurance_and_outcomes_evaluation_JAMA_284_1689-1695/links/560aaa0708ae576ce640c911/McLellan-AT-Lewis-DC-OBrien-CP-Kleber-HD-Drug-dependence-a-chronic-medical-illness-implications-for-treatment-insurance-and-outcomes-evaluation-JAMA-284-1689-1695.pdf?_sg%5B0%5D=started_experiment_milestone&origin=journalDetail
    Drug dependence should be insured, treated and evaluated like other chronic illnesses. Many expensive and disturbing social problems can be traced directly to drug …

Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness
    Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness (PDF) Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness | Herbert Kleber - no longer supports …

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