At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Jinzhou Medical College. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Jinzhou Medical University - Wikipedia
    Jinzhou Medical University (Chinese: 锦州医科大学; pinyin: Jǐnzhōu yīkē dàxué) is a university located in Jinzhou city, Liaoning province, north eastern China. JZMU ranks in the top 10 medical universities in China and the top 350 medical university in the world, making it a prestigious university for medical scholars … See more

Jinzhou Medical University - Official Website
    Through 70 years of development, Jinzhou Medical University has developed into a top ranked medical university with chiefly medical-based, multilevel, multidisciplinary and …

    为进一步加大学科建设力度,全面落实学校创新发展三年行动计划,1月9日-11日,学校党委常委、副校长刘华先后到第一临床医学院、口腔医学院、第三临床医学 …

Jinzhou Medical University (JZMU) | Jinzhou Medical …
    Jinzhou MedicaL University once named Liaoning Medical University (LMU) is located in the province of Liaoning in the north-eastern part of China. The university enjoys very good reputation in China for its …

Jinzhou Medical University Introduction | JZMU Introduction
    Jinzhou MedicaL University once named Liaoning Medical University (LMU) is located in the province of Liaoning in the north-eastern part of China. The university enjoys very good …

MBBS in Clinical Medicine at Jinzhou Medical University
    Jinzhou Medical University has 124 professional teaching practice base, among which there are three directly affiliated hospitals and seven indirectly affiliated hospitals. The First …

Jinzhou Medical University CSC Scholarship Application Process …
    Jinzhou Medical University is one of the leading teachers colleges in China, and it is highly selective. In recent years, Jinzhou Medical University has been giving out more than 20 …

Jinzhou Medical University
    Jinzhou Medical University (锦州医科大学) covers an area of 1,494 acres, covering an area of 995,512 square meters, a teaching administrative area of 189,900 square meters, and teaching equipment worth 128 million …

Jinzhou Medical College | Shalom Med Education
    Jinzhou Medical College. Jinzhou Medical University originated from the Health School of Liaoji Military Region, which was founded in 1946 during the War of Liberation and was …

Jinzhou Medical University School of Medicine_Liaoning_China …
    Jinzhou Medical University School of Medicine. The Medical College of Jinzhou Medical University is located on the coast of Bohai Sea and is located in Jinzhou, a famous …

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