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Keratic precipitates Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    keratic precipitates noun plural ke· rat· ic precipitates kə-ˈrat-ik- : accumulations on the posterior surface of the cornea especially of macrophages and epithelial cells that occur in chronic inflammatory conditions called also keratitis punctata …

Keratic precipitates | definition of keratic ... - Medical …
    keratic precipitates (KP) Cells (e.g. leukocytes) deposited on the endothelium of the cornea which occur as a result of inflammation of the iris or the ciliary body. They often …

Keratic Precipitates | Vagelos College of Physicians and …
    Keratic Precipitates Cellular deposits on the corneal endothelium. Acute, fresh KPs tend to be white and round, while old KPs are usually irregular, faded and pigmented. Mutton-fat …

Keratitis punctata | definition of keratitis ... - Medical …
    keratic precipitates (KP) Cells (e.g. leukocytes) deposited on the endothelium of the cornea which occur as a result of inflammation of the iris or the ciliary body. They often …

Pigmented keratic precipitates - Medical Dictionary
    Pigmented keratic precipitates | definition of pigmented keratic precipitates by Medical dictionary pigmented keratic precipitates pig·men·ted ke·rat·ic pre·cip·i·tates …

Arlt's Triangle - EyeWiki
    Granulomatous KP (keratic precipitates) plastered on the back surface of the cornea. However, in some cases, this collection of sticky inflammatory cells on the central and inferior cornea is so large in size, that it's visible …

Keratic | definition of keratic by Medical dictionary
    keratic [ kĕ-rat´ik] 1. keratinous. 2. corneal. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of …

Keratic Precipitates: The Underutilized Diagnostic Clue
    The morphology of keratic precipitates (KPs) may yield important diagnostic clues. However, KPs have not been described in a standardized manner and …

Precipitates | definition of precipitates by Medical dictionary
    1. To cause a substance in solution to separate as a solid. 2. A solid separated out from a solution or suspension; a floc or clump, such as that resulting from the mixture of a …

Keratic precipitates - definition of keratic precipitates by …
    Define keratic precipitates. keratic precipitates synonyms, keratic precipitates pronunciation, keratic precipitates translation, English dictionary definition of keratic …

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