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Kernel Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    kernel noun ker· nel ˈkərn-ᵊl 1 a : the inner softer part of a seed, fruit stone, or nut b : a whole grain or seed of a cereal (as wheat or corn) 2 : a central or basic part a kernel of truth in what they say More from Merriam-Webster on kernel Nglish: Translation of kernel for …

Kernels | definition of Kernels by Medical dictionary
    Kernels | definition of Kernels by Medical dictionary kernel (redirected from Kernels) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia . ker·nel ( ker'nĕl ), The …

Kernel | definition of kernel by Medical dictionary
    Kernel | definition of kernel by Medical dictionary kernel Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to kernel: Linux …

Kernel - definition of kernel by The Free Dictionary
    kernel. ( ˈkɜːnəl) n. 1. (Botany) the edible central part of a seed, nut, or fruit within the shell or stone. 2. (Botany) the grain of a cereal, esp wheat, consisting of the seed in a …

Kernel Definition & Meaning |
    kernel / ( ˈkɜːnəl) / noun the edible central part of a seed, nut, or fruit within the shell or stone the grain of a cereal, esp wheat, consisting of the seed in a hard husk the central or …

Kernel (image reconstruction for CT) - Radiopaedia
    The kernel, also known as a convolution algorithm, refers to the process used to modify the frequency contents of projection data prior to back projection …

Kernel (seed) | definition of Kernel (seed) by Medical …
    1. the mature ovule of a flowering plant. 2. semen. 3. a small cylindrical shell of gold or other suitable material, used in application of radiation therapy. 4. to inoculate a culture …

Kernel Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
    2. A single seed or grain; as, a kernel of corn. 3. A small mass around which other matter is concreted; a nucleus; a concretion or hard lump in the flesh. 4. The …

Kernels Medical Definition | Day of Difference
    The kernel, also known as a convolution algorithm, refers to the process used to modify the frequency contents of projection data prior to back projection during image reconstruction …

Kernel (statistics) | definition of Kernel (statistics) by …
    Kernel (statistics) | definition of Kernel (statistics) by Medical dictionary window width (redirected from Kernel (statistics)) Also found in: Wikipedia . win·dow width the range …

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