At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Korea 6th Medical Depot. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center – …
    Following the war, the Depot was re-designated as the 6th Medical Depot (Army) on 11 April 1954 and in November 1955 was relocated to Ascom City, Korea. The 6th Medical Depot (Army) was assigned to the Eighth United States Army from 1950 until April 1960, when it was reassigned to the 7th Logistical Command. See more

US Army Medical Materiel Center – Korea | Military Wiki
    Following the war, the Depot was re-designated as the 6th Medical Depot (Army) on 11 April 1954 and in November 1955 was relocated to Ascom City, Korea. The 6th Medical …

6th Medical Depot, 1959 | 75th Anniversary
    6th Medical Depot, 1959 MICROSCOPE IS REPAIRED by SP6 Joseph Torrecello, technician at the 6th Medical Depot at Ascom, Korea. The depot has repair facilities for …

U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center – Korea - Wikiwand
    Following the war, the Depot was re-designated as the 6th Medical Depot (Army) on 11 April 1954 and in November 1955 was relocated to Ascom City, Korea. The 6th Medical …

6th Medical Depot - US Army - Korean War Project Page 1
    grandfather, Lawrence F. King, in the 6th Medical Depot. He arrived at the 6th just after the armistice in 1953. I would be an honor to meet anyone who knew or met …

    Do you have 6TH MEDICAL DEPOT KOREA Reunion information you'd like to share Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. …

Ascom Depot Korea Aerial Photo & Places Marked
    Depot area and the rest of ASCOM City was returned to the Republic of Korea in 1973, go to and put in latitude 37.495518828 and longitude …

65th Medical Group - US Army - Korean War Project Page 1
    Unit: 6TH MEDICAL DEPOT, 65TH MED. GROUP Service or Relationship: Army Veteran Comments: Was stationed at the ^th Medical Deport in Younsan Korea …

    ASCOM CITY, ASCOM DEPOT, Bupyeong DONG, KOREA santokitime 51 subscribers Subscribe Share 9.4K views 9 years ago Various pictures of the ASCOM area and some of the …

Korea 6th Medical Depot - Manningham Medical Centre
    STOCK IS CHECKED at the 6th Medical Depot, Ascom, Korea, by Sgt. Jose Burgos (left), assistant non-commissioned officer in charge of the loose issue section, and Sgt. Felipe …

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