At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Labium Superius Oris Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Labium superius oris | definition of labium superius oris …
    labium (la'be-um) (-a) plural.labia [L. labium, lip] A lip or a structure like one; an edge or fleshy border. labium cerebri The margin of the cerebral hemispheres overlapping the corpus callosum. labium inferius oris The lower lip. labium majus See: Labia majora …

Lip - Wikipedia

    Labia oris | definition of labia oris by Medical dictionary
      1. One of the two muscular folds with an outer membrane having a stratified squamous cell epithelial surface layer that bound the mouth anteriorly. See also: labium, labrum. 2. Any …

    Labium oris | definition of labium oris by Medical dictionary
      Labium oris | definition of labium oris by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google labium oris Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . labium oris The skin …

    Labii superioris | definition of Labii superioris by Medical …
      Then in quick succession, we add the smiling muscles, levator anguli oris (attaching just below the eye to lift the corners of the mouth) and the sadness muscles, levator labii …

    Labium inferius oris | definition of labium inferius oris by …
      Labium inferius oris | definition of labium inferius oris by Medical dictionary lower lip (redirected from labium inferius oris) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, …

    What is the definition of Labium oris? |
      Labium oris - One of the lips bounding the cavity of the mouth. ... 1920 - A practical medical dictionary. By Stedman, Thomas Lathrop . Install our FREE extension Available …

    What is the definition of Labium superius? |
      Definitions of LABIUM SUPERIUS. 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary. Sort: Oldest first. Theupperlip. 1916- Appleton's medical dictionaryBy Smith Ely Jelliffe. Install our FREE …

    Upper lip - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
      Definition. The upper lip covers the anterior surface of the body of the maxilla. Its upper half is of usual skin color and has a depression at its center, directly under the nasal …

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