At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Lac Humanum Materia Medica. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Lac humanum :: Materia Medica :: OpenHomeopath
- Lac humanum :: Materia Medica :: OpenHomeopath Research Repertorization Materia Medica Data maintenance Support Help Info Log in Skin: Materia Medica When logged …
Lacs in Homeopathy - Aisling Murray -
- Lac Maternum. Lac Maternum is made from the milk of nine women and is collected from three days (colostrum) to 10 months after parturition. The oneness of the …
The Lacs - A Materia Medica and Repertory - Nature-Reveals
- Rather than being a 'clinical' materia medica, one based upon one's own experience with these remedies (with certain exceptions, especially regarding Lac humanum and Lac …
The Lacs: A Materia Medica and Repertory - David A.
- Useful as a reference, yet accessible with casual reading, “ The Lacs: A Materia Medica and Repertory ” is a fun, stimulating and thorough exploration of the milk …
Homeopathic Materia Medica : Lac Humanum (mother’s milk)
- The remedy Lac Humanumis potentized from human mother’s milk, and is quite a fascinating study. It has many obvious emotional themes around emotional …
The True Mother: Lac Humanum - homeopathy360
- The True Mother: Lac Humanum. The case in the article gives you a beautiful understanding of Lac humanum and sensation method. In addition to it, it also explains the human being and his …
Interhomeopathy - Lac humanum - Lac maternum
- Materia Medica: Murphy, Sankaran Synthesis: human beings are constantly searching for their individual selves while belonging to a group in which they have to fit. They are the …
Moving from fear to love: a case of Lac humanum
- Prescription: Lac caninum 200 Analysis I recognized Danielle needed a Lac remedy and I heard some familiar words to suggest this particular Lac: lie, mask and unworthiness. Follow-up The remedy …
Mamíferos, Lac humanum
- Lac humanum. Não houve boa conexão com a mãe, problemas no parto. Abandono, ou não absorve o amor ofertado. Solidão, rejeita a família por interpretar que não lhe amam. …
Mamíferos, Lac equinum
- Lacs. Problemas na ligação entre mãe e filho, mãe doente, depressão pós-parto, dificuldades para amamentar, prematuridade, separação nos primeiros anos. Mas …
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