At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Laminaria Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Laminaria: Benefits, Uses, In Pregnancy, Risks, and …

    LAMINARIA - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD
      Laminaria (Laminaria digitata) is a type of brown seaweed. It's native to Japan and is used as food in many Asian countries. Laminaria contains iodine, an element that the body …

    Surgical Abortion (Second Trimester) - UCSF Health
      Laminaria are thin sticks made from a special seaweed material that widen as they absorb moisture from your body. Dilapan are synthetic sticks that work in the same way. The …

    Laminaria: Health Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, Dose
      Laminaria contains iodine, an element that the body needs to make thyroid hormones. It is also a rich source of iron and potassium. Despite serious safety concerns …

    Labor Induction | ACOG
      Laminaria are thin rods inserted into the cervix to dilate it. They are made of a substance that expands when it absorbs water. A catheter (small tube) with an inflatable balloon on …

    Laminaria | definition of laminaria by Medical dictionary
      laminaria (lăm′ə-nâr′ē-ə) n. 1. Any of various kelps of the genera Laminaria and Saccharina of temperate and arctic waters, used commercially in foodstuffs, dietary supplements, and …

    Medgyn Laminaria Cervical Dilator | Medline …
      Laminaria provides gentle, gradual dilation. Once inserted into the cervical canal, laminaria absorbs liquid, swelling to several times its initial dried diameter, gently dilating the …

    Laminaria: Uses and Risks - CompassCare
      A laminaria tent is a small rod of dehydrated seaweed that when inserted in the cervix, rehydrates, absorbing the water from the surrounding tissue in the woman’s body. …

    Laminaria - MedGyn Laminaria Natural …
      Laminaria is a 100% natural cervical dilator made from a sea-grown plant containing no synthetic materials. Product Features Provides gentle and gradual dilation Safely used …

    Dilateria (Laminaria Hyperborea)
      Dilateria is ideal for gentle, atraumatic cervical dilation. It is a by-product of Laminaria Japonica, a natural plant from Northern Asia. The plant’s stipe, or stem, is dried, sized …

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