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Section 43-1-15: Consent to treatment; adult clients.
    Justia US Law US Codes and Statutes New Mexico Statutes 2011 New Mexico Statutes Chapter 43: Commitment Procedures Article 1: Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, 43-1-1 through 43-1-25 Section 43-1-15: Consent to treatment; adult clients.

New Mexico Statutes and Court Rules | Law Library
    Free, online public access to the master database of official state laws, published by the New Mexico Compilation Commission, is now available to the citizens of New Mexico. …

Right to Refuse Medical Treatment | U.S. Constitution …
    Although a majority of Supreme Court Justices signaled that the Due Process Clause protects a competent person’s right to refuse life-sustaining medical …

Know When and How Your Patient Can …
    Informed consent, informed refusal, informed choice–What is it that makes a patient’s medical treatment decisions …

Patient Refusal: What to do when medical treatment and …
    The patient’s rights movement of the 1980s and ’90s ushered in the concept of a patient’s right to refuse medical care of any kind. ... New Mexico, South Carolina and Texas. The …

N.M. R. Evid. 11-702 - Casetext
    New Mexico has not adopted the changes made to the federal rule in 2000 to incorporate the requirements of Daubert v. ... 509 U.S. 579 (1993), in light of the differences between …

NM Stat § 32A-6A-15 :: Section 32A-6A-15: Consent for …
    32A-6A-15. Consent for services; children fourteen years of age or older. A. A child fourteen years of age or older is presumed to have capacity to consent to treatment without …

Refusing to Provide Health Services | Guttmacher Institute
    Sparked by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 decisions in Roe v.Wade and Doe v.Bolton that legalized abortion nationwide, federal and state governments have enacted laws that …

Certificate of Exemption Form Instructions
    New Mexico law does not allow for such exemption. (Please see New Mexico Law 24-5-3 at page bottom.) How to Complete the Exemption from Immunization Form: • Fill out all …

New Mexico EMS Treatment Guidelines -
    New Mexico EMS Procedure Guidelines 10/20-2022 (Continued next page) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURE (Cont.) 3. New Mexico State law, regarding …

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