At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Localized Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Localized | definition of localized by Medical dictionary
    localized. (lō′kə-līzd′) adj. 1. Restricted to a particular place. 2. Medicine Restricted or limited to a specific body part or region: localized pain and numbness. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. …

Localization Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    ˌlō-kə-lə-ˈzā-shən 1 : restriction (as of a lesion) to a limited area of the body 2 : restriction of functional centers (as of sight, smell, or speech) to a particular section of the brain …

Localize Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    localized; localizing. transitive verb. 1. : to make local : orient locally. 2. : to assign to or keep within a definite locality. intransitive verb. : to accumulate in or be restricted to a specific …

Systemic Diseases vs Localized Diseases - Revere Health
    A localized disease is an infectious or neoplastic (benign or malignant tumor) process that originates in– and is confined to–one area of the body or organ …

Localized - definition of localized by The Free Dictionary
    lo·cal·ized. (lō′kə-līzd′) adj. 1. Restricted to a particular place. 2. Medicine Restricted or limited to a specific body part or region: localized pain and numbness. American …

Localized - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
    Localized pain exists in one part of your body, and a localized infection is also restricted to one area — it hasn't spread to other places in the body. Another way something can be …

Localization | definition of localization by Medical dictionary
    localization [ lo″kah-lĭ-za´shun] 1. restriction to a circumscribed or limited area. 2. the determination of a site or place of any process or lesion. cerebral localization …

Localized infection | definition of Localized infection by …
    An infection that is limited to a specific part of the body and has local symptoms. Mentioned in: Hospital-Acquired Infections. Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright …

Localizing | definition of localizing by Medical dictionary
    v. local·ized, local·izing, local·izes 1. To make local: decentralize and localize political authority. 2. To confine or restrict to a particular locality: localized the infection. 3. To …

Localized oedema | definition of Localized oedema by …
    Localized oedema | definition of Localized oedema by Medical dictionary edema (redirected from Localized oedema) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia . …

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