At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Long Medical Condition Names. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Diseases & Conditions A-Z Index - A - Centers for …
    Abortion Surveillance. Abrasive Blasting. Abuse, Child — see Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention. Abuse, Elder — see Elder Maltreatment. Acanthamoeba Infection. Accreditation — see Health Department Accreditation. ACE (Adverse Childhood …

A to Z list of common illnesses and conditions | NHS inform
    Common heart conditions Congenital heart disease Conjunctivitis Constipation Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cough Crohn's disease Croup Cystic fibrosis Cystitis …

Diseases & Conditions A-Z List - A on
    Abbreviations Medical Terms (Common Medical Abbreviations and Terms) Abdominal Adhesions (Scar Tissue) Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Abdominal Migraines in Children …

List of Chronic Illnesses — Wingspan Health
    (Other names: seizure disorder.) Hashimoto’s Disease: Hashimoto’s Disease is a condition where your immune system creates antibodies that hurt your …

Outdated Terms for Diseases and Conditions - Verywell …
    In the medical setting, you are more likely to hear the formal name of your medical conditions than you are to hear a casual name. In recent years, disease names …

List of eponymous diseases - Wikipedia
    Less frequently, an eponymous disease is named after a patient, examples being Lou Gehrig disease, Hartnup disease, and Mortimer disease. In one instance, …

50 Fancy Medical Terms for Common Things - Best Life
    Herein, we've gathered some of the craziest medical terms—from the almost naughty-sounding formication to the how-can-a-word-seriously-be-that-long …

List of Diseases and Conditions -
    The common ones are listed below - Chronic kidney disease Gallstones Kidney infection /Pyelonephritis Kidney stones Kidney failure Polycystic kidney disease …

21 Fancy Medical Terms for Mundane Problems | Mental …
    1. and 2. Obdormition and Paresthesia That numb feeling that you wake to when you’ve slept on your arm wrong is obdormition. It is followed by a pricking, tingling …

Old-Fashioned Names for Diseases and Ailments
    Historically, the plural noun horrors has referred to two distinct ailments: a shuddering or shivering as symptomatic of a fever, or a fit of depression or fright as occurs with mental delirium. Quinsy Not as …

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