At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Maine Medical Utilization Review. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Utilization Review | PFR Insurance - Maine
    Medical Utilization Review. The Maine Bureau of Insurance provides on this page all of the information necessary to license a Medical Utilization Review entity. …

Medical Utilization Renewal Information | PFR Insurance
    Maine's Utilization Review licenses are continuous, meaning the license renews annually every April 1st. Renewal notices go out prior to April 1st asking if the UR wishes to renew …

Medical Utilization Review | PFR Insurance
    The Maine Bureau of Insurance provides on this page all of the information necessary to license a Medical Utilization Review entity. Contact Us if you have questions or are …

Title 39-A, §210: Medical utilization review - Maine …
    For purposes of this section, "utilization review" means the initial prospective, concurrent or retrospective evaluation by an insurance carrier, self-insurer or group self-insurer of the …

§210. Medical utilization review - Maine Legislature
    3. Review. Utilization review must be performed by an insurance carrier, self-insurer or group self-insurer pursuant to a system established by the board that identifies the range …

Medical Utilization Review License Application - Maine
    Maine's Utilization Review licenses are continuous, meaning the license renews annually every April 1st. Renewal notices go out prior to April 1st asking if the UR wishes to renew …

Title 24-A, §2773: Utilization review services
    Chapter 34: LICENSURE OF MEDICAL UTILIZATION REVIEW ENTITIES. §2774. §2773. Utilization review services. As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates …

Title 24-A, §4304: Utilization review -
    Requirements for medical review or utilization review practices. A carrier must appoint a medical director who is responsible for reviewing and approving the carrier's policies …

24-A Maine Revised Statutes §2772 (2022) Minimum …
    3-A. Medical utilization review criteria. The licensee must have written medical utilization review criteria to be employed in the review process. The criteria must be available for …

Title 24-A, §2772: Minimum standards - Maine Legislature
    A medical utilization review program may not recommend or implement a penalty of more than $500 for failure to provide notification. This subsection does not limit the right of …

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