At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Mainecare Medically Needy. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Coverage & Benefits | Department of Health and Human …
    MaineCare pays for medically necessary services based on your coverage group, which is determined by your income, age, medical needs, and if you need help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). What services are covered? Some examples of services that may be …

MaineCare Options | Department of Health and Human …
    MaineCare helps to ensure that all Maine people are able to access the critical health services, both preventative and emergency, that help them stay healthy and safe. …

Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities | Department of …
    The MaineCare member must: Have received MaineCare when they were age 55 or older. Have received nursing facility services or home- and community-based services. Have no …

MaineCare and Related Help - Consumers for Affordable …
    Jan 24, 2023

MaineCare Member Handbook
    A MaineCare member is an individual who meets the income guidelines and is eligible based on age, family situations, and health care needs. MaineCare is for …

Adults | Department of Health and Human Services
    MaineCare Member Services Can Help To see if a service you need is covered, call MaineCare Member Services at 1-800-977-6740. TTY users, dial 711. Make sure …

Maine’s Medical Assistance Programs: Who’s Covered?
    “Medically Needy” or “Spend Down”: persons whose income is too high for full-benefit MaineCare Full-benefit MaineCare after a large deductible is met None …

Maine Medicaid Eligibility: 2023 Income & Asset Limits
    Maine seniors must be financially and medically eligible for long-term care Medicaid. They must have limited income, limited assets, and a medical need for care. A …

Young Adults • Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care
    A young adult who is over income for MaineCare should be offered “Medically Needy” coverage. This is also called the “ Spend Down” or “Deductible ” …

Disabled or Elderly Adults - Consumers for Affordable …
    Based on household income and assets, people 65 years or older and people who are disabled may be able to get free MaineCare. Even if you do not receive Social Security …

Need more information about Mainecare Medically Needy?

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