At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Malignant Meaning In Medical Terms. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Malignant | definition of Malignant by Medical dictionary
    ma·lig·nant 1. Resistant to treatment; occurring in severe form and frequently fatal; tending to become worse. 2. In reference to a neoplasm, having the properties of locally invasive and destructive growth and metastasis.

Malignant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of malignant 1 : tending to produce death or deterioration malignant malaria especially : tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate fatally a malignant tumor 2 a …

Medical Definition and Characteristics of Malignant

    Malignant - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
      For something that's very harmful, especially a tumor that's cancerous, use the term malignant. Malignant and its opposite benign are medical terms used to describe a tumor …

    Malignant Definition & Meaning |
      malignant tending to produce death, as bubonic plague. (of a tumor) characterized by uncontrolled growth; cancerous, invasive, or metastatic.

    Malignant Neoplasm: What It Is, Types & Factors
      What is a malignant neoplasm? A malignant neoplasm (NEE-oh-plaz-um) is another term for a cancerous tumor. The term “neoplasm” refers to an abnormal growth of tissue. The …

    Benign vs. Malignant Tumors: Causes and Treatments
      Malignant means that the tumor is made of cancer cells that can grow uncontrollably and invade nearby tissues. The cancer cells in a malignant tumor tend to be abnormal, and very different from the normal …

    Does 'Malignant' Mean Cancer? - eMedicineHealth
      In medicine, the term malignant usually refers to a medical condition that is considered dangerous or likely to cause death if untreated. Many diseases can be considered malignant when they are fatal if untreated. …

    Malignant tumor | definition of malignant tumor by …
      1. a blue-red, extremely painful chemodectoma involving an arteriovenous anastomosis or cluster of blood cells, which may be found anywhere in the skin, most often in the distal …

    Basic Cancer Terms and What They Mean - WebMD
      Atypical (ay-TIP-ih-cul) is a medical word for “abnormal.” Doctors may use this word to describe cells or body tissues that look unusual under a microscope. They might also say your case is...

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