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Manifold Definition & Meaning |
    having numerous different parts, elements, features, forms, etc.: a manifold program for social reform. noun something having many different parts or features. a copy or …

Manifold - definition of manifold by The Free Dictionary
    man•i•fold (ˈmæn əˌfoʊld) adj. 1. of many kinds; numerous and varied: manifold duties. 2. having numerous different parts, features, or forms: a manifold social program. 3. using …

Unstable manifold | definition of Unstable manifold by …
    Unstable manifold | definition of Unstable manifold by Medical dictionary stable manifold (redirected from Unstable manifold) stable manifold A mathematical term for …

Manifold - Wikipedia

    Manifold Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary
      MANIFOLD. man'-i-fold (rabh; poikilos): "Manifold," which occurs only a few times, is in the Old Testament the translation of rabh, "many," "abundant" ( Nehemiah 9:19,27; Amos …

    What is a Manifold? - Definition from Corrosionpedia
      A manifold refers to a collection of pipes or a bound header that facilitates the transportation of fluid from one point to another. Manifolds are widely used in the pipeline industry and …

    Manifold (fluid mechanics) - Wikipedia
      A manifold is a wide and/or bigger pipe, or channel, into which smaller pipes or channels lead. [1] A pipe fitting or similar device that connects multiple inputs or outputs. Manifolds …

    Manifolds and Manifold Systems Selection …
      A manifold is a fluid or gas distribution system or device that serves to bring many junctions into one place or a single channel into an area where many points meet. …

    What Is a Manifold in a Car? -
      Manifold is an important part of the internal combustion engine. It's a thick metal pipe covering all cylinders in order to transfer heat and fumes between them. …

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