At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Margin Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Margin | definition of margin by Medical dictionary
    margin. [ mahr´jin] an edge or border. gingival margin gum margin. gum margin the border of the gingiva surrounding, but unattached to, the substance of the teeth. margin of safety a calculation that takes the highest animal no observed adverse effect level and estimates …

Surgical Margins After Breast Surgery | Susan G. Komen®
    What is a margin? When breast cancer is surgically removed (during a surgical biopsy, lumpectomy or mastectomy), a rim of normal tissue surrounding the …

Understanding Surgical Margins in Breast …
    A positive margin means there are cancer cells at the edge of the tissue that was removed. This could mean that there are still cancer cells left in the body. What is a positive biopsy margin? …

Margin Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : the part of a page or sheet outside the main body of printed or written matter. 2. : the outside limit and adjoining surface of something : edge. at the margin of the woods. …

Understanding Your Pathology Report - AIM at Melanoma
    Margins are the edge of a biopsy or surgical excision specimen. If melanoma extends to the edge of the sample (the margins), then it is presumed that the biopsy or excision did not …

Squamous and Basal Cell Carcinoma …
    Margins for Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Primary and recurrent tumors get treated with marginal excisions. For example, one study showed that for low-risk basal cell …

Resection margin - Wikipedia
    A resection margin or surgical margin is the margin of apparently non-tumorous tissue around a tumor that has been surgically removed, called "resected", in surgical …

Margins | definition of margins by Medical dictionary
    margin. [ mahr´jin] an edge or border. gingival margin gum margin. gum margin the border of the gingiva surrounding, but unattached to, the substance of the teeth. margin of safety a …

Margin - definition of margin by The Free Dictionary
    margin ( ˈmɑːdʒɪn) or archaic margent n 1. an edge or rim, and the area immediately adjacent to it; border 2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the blank space … - Breast Cancer …
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