At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Masa Syndrome Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

MASA Syndrome | Syndromes: Rapid Recognition and …
    Complicated X-linked spastic paraplegia (SPG1) and MASA syndrome are thought to result from different mutations of the same gene (allelic disorders) on the X chromosome (L1 …

MASA syndrome - NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)
    MASA (mental retardation [intellectual disability], aphasia [delayed speech], spastic paraplegia [shuffling gait], adducted thumbs) syndrome including X-linked complicated …

MASA syndrome - Wikiwand
    MASA syndrome is a rare X-linked recessive neurological disorder on the L1 disorder spectrum belonging in the group of hereditary spastic paraplegias[1] a paraplegia known …

Entry - #303350 - MASA SYNDROME - OMIM
    The family reported by Kenwrick et al. (1986) with X-linked recessive spastic …

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) - Symptoms and causes
    Cerebellar type. The main signs and symptoms are problems with muscle coordination (ataxia), but others may include: Impaired movement and coordination, such …

Medical Definition of MASA syndrome - MedicineNet
    MASA syndrome: MASA stands for mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait, and adducted thumbs. Features of the syndrome include: neurologically: mental …

    MASA syndrome (Mental retardation, Aphasia, Spastic paraplegia, Adducted thumbs) is a historical term used to describe a phenotype now considered to be part of the X-linked L1 …

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA): Symptoms, Diagnosis, …
    Slow movement, stiffness, and tremors (uncontrolled, repeated movements) Clumsiness. Speech problems, like a shaky voice. Fainting or dizziness when you …

MASA syndrome | Psychology Wiki | Fandom
    The acronym "MASA" describes the four major symptoms - Mental retardation, Aphasia, Shuffling gait, and Adducted thumbs. [3] A more suitable name for this syndrome is "L1 …

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