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Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Act 1955 -
    1. This Act may be called the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955. 2. It extends to the whole of India. 3. It shall come into force on such date 2* as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. Definitions. …

Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Excise Duties Act, 1955
    and toilet preparations containing alcohol, opium, Indian hemp or other narcotic drug or narcotic Be it enacted by Parliament in the Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows: …

    MEDICINAL AND TOILET PREPARATIONS (EXCISE DUTIES) ACT 1955 & RULES 1956 This is Central Act implemented by the State Government. This Act provides for the levy …

1 Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties Act, 1955 ...
    OBJECTIVE OF MEDICINAL AND TOILET PREPARATIONS (EXCISE DUTIES) ACT, 1955 1. This is a central Act and thus extends to the whole of India. 2. It came into force with …

Medicinal and Toilet preparations (Excise duties) act, …
    5. Issue of finished preparations. - Whenever the manufacture wishes to take out any preparation from the bonded lab, he must present an application to the excise officer and pay duty for it. - The …

Medicinal and toilet preparation act 1955 - SlideShare
    4. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE ACT The Medicinal and Toilet preparation (Excise Duties) Act,1955 was passed with the following objectives : To provide for the collection of levy and duties of excise on …

Medicinal And Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955
    Short title, extent and commencement .-. (1) This Act may be called The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act, 1955. (2) It extends to the whole of India. (3) It …

Medicinal And Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Rules, …
    - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 19 of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act 1955 (16 of 1955), the Central Government hereby …

Medicinal And Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) …
    A large room for the manufacture of medicinal preparations and separate arrangement for the manufacture of toilet preparations. 3. There should be one or more …

Chapter - 3 Medicinal and Toilet preparations (Excise duties) act, …
    Manufacture of ayurvedic, homeopathic, patent and proprietary preparations. Offences and penalties. Intended Learning Outcomes. At the end of this lecture, student will be able to. …

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