At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Anthropology China. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Arthur Kleinman | Harvard Department of Anthropology
    A China scholar, since 1978, he has conducted research in China, and in Taiwan from 1969 until 1978. Kleinman is professor of medical anthropology in the Department of Global …

Mason, Katherine - Brown University
    Overview. Katherine A. Mason is a medical anthropologist who has conducted ethnographic fieldwork in China and the U.S. Her research addresses issues in medical …

Matthew Kohrman | Department of …
    China Matthew Kohrman’s research and writing bring anthropological methods to bear on the ways health, culture, and politics are interrelated. Focusing on the People's …

Medical Anthropology | Department of Anthropology
    Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in the context of cultural, historical, and political forces. It is one of the most …

Harvard in China: connections in medical anthropology, …
    Connections to China: Caregiving, Ecological City Planning. Arthur Kleinman, Rabb professor of anthropology and professor of medical anthropology, lectured at Fudan …

Medical Anthropology Track | Anthropology
    Medical anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that seeks to understand human experiences of health, illness, and suffering. Medical anthropologists study topics such …

[Cultural anthropology of traditional Chinese medicine]
    Cultural anthropology of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is part of medical anthropology with three major characteristics: wide research scope, specificity, and …

| Department of Anthropology
    | Department of Anthropology China Scherz Associate Professor & Associate Dean for Graduate Education Email Ph.D. University of California, San …

Medical Anthropology | Department of …
    Medical Anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that draws upon biological and sociocultural anthropology to understand human health and well-being. What makes …

Medical Anthropology in China – Medical Anthropology Young …
    Medical Anthropology in China – Medical Anthropology Young Scholars Medical Anthropology in China Regional Liaison: Juan Miguel Ortega Quesada, …

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