At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Conditions Similar To Lupus. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

7 Conditions Confused With Lupus
    7 Conditions Confused With Lupus 1. Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a treatable chronic disorder characterized by …

Other Autoimmune Diseases Like Lupus
    People whose lupus began earlier, at age 16 vs. 28, seem to be more likely to develop additional autoimmune diseases. 1 In 78 percent of …

Lupus Misdiagnosis: Diseases That Can Mimic Lupus
    Rheumatoid arthritis. This autoimmune disorder is another systemic disease, …

Lupus - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Common diseases that overlap with lupus

      Other Health Conditions Experienced Alongside Lupus
        Health conditions alongside lupus Of all survey participants, 99 percent had at least one other medical condition alongside their lupus. The most common of these was arthritis …

      Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica - Medical …
        Aside from the butterfly-shaped rash on the face, lupus can seem very similar to PMR. Other symptoms of lupus may include: mouth sores headaches a high …

      If You Have Unbearable Pain from Lupus, What Can You …
        Lupus is a medical emergency if you experience any of the following: severe stomach pain severe chest pain a fever over 102°F (39°C) swelling in the arms or legs …

      Types of Lupus | Johns Hopkins Medicine
        The presentation of drug-induced lupus is like SLE, including joints and inflammation around the lungs. The drugs most commonly connected with drug-induced lupus include: Hydralazine: used …

      Rare diseases that mimic Systemic Lupus …
        Several conditions have clinical and laboratory features that can mimic those present in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Some of these "SLE mimickers" are very …

      Need more information about Medical Conditions Similar To Lupus?

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