At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Amphophilic. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Amphophilic | definition of amphophilic by Medical dictionary
    amphophilic: [ am″fo-fil´ik ] staining with either acid or basic dyes.

Amphophilic Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    am· pho· phil· ic ˌam (p)-fə-ˈfil-ik. variants also amphophil. ˈam (p)-fə-ˌfil. or amphophilous. am-ˈfäf-ə-ləs. : staining with both acid and basic dyes : neutrophil. amphophilic cytoplasm.

Amphophil Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    an amphophilic cell… See the full definition

Amphophil | definition of amphophil by Medical dictionary
    Looking for online definition of amphophil in the Medical Dictionary? amphophil explanation free. What is amphophil? Meaning of amphophil medical term. What does …

Amphophile | definition of amphophile by Medical dictionary
    amphophile: , amphophile ( am'fō-fil, -fīl ), 1. Having an affinity for both acid and basic dyes. Synonym(s): amphophilic , amphophilous 2. A cell that stains readily with either acid or …

Amphophilous | definition of amphophilous by Medical …
    am·pho·phil. , amphophile ( am'fŏ-fil, -fīl) 1. Having an affinity for both acid and basic dyes. Synonym (s): amphophilic, amphophilous. 2. A cell that stains readily with either acidic …

Amphiphilic | definition of amphiphilic by Medical dictionary
    amphipathic Of a chemical structure having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces as in the case of the phospholipid molecules of the cell membrane.

Amphiphilic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of AMPHIPHILIC is of, relating to, or being a compound (such as a surfactant) consisting of molecules having a polar water-soluble group attached to a water-insoluble …

amphophilic - Medical Dictionary
    A Medical Dictionary of Medical Terminology amphophilic. Popular Medical Dictionary Searches: Ibuprofen Aspirin Dementia Breast Cancer Fibrosis Headache Mesothelioma …

Amphiphilic Definition & Meaning |
    Amphiphilic definition, (of a molecule) having two different affinities, as a polar end that is attracted to water and a nonpolar end that is repelled by it:Phospholipids are amphiphilic …

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