At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Ballism. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ballism | definition of ballism by Medical dictionary
    bal·lis·mus. ( bal-iz'mŭs ), A type of involuntary movement affecting the proximal limb musculature, manifested in jerking, flinging movements of the extremity; caused by a lesion of or near the contralateral subthalamic nucleus. Usually only one side of the …

Ballism Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    ballism noun bal· lism ˈbal-ˌiz-əm variants or ballismus bə-ˈliz-məs plural ballisms or ballismuses : the abnormal swinging jerking movements sometimes seen in chorea …

Ballism - Neurosurgery | UCLA Health
    The abnormal movements of ballism consist of involuntary hurling, irregular, frequently violent movements of the shoulder and arm while the patient is awake. …

Ballism | Marsden's Book of Movement Disorders
    It is derived from the Greek word ‘ballism’ which means ‘to throw’. It describes the involuntary vigorous proximal limb movements which are a hallmark of the …

Ballism Definition & Meaning |
    ballism [ bal-iz- uhm ] noun Pathology. a condition characterized by twisting, shaking, and jerking motions. Parkinson's disease. Question Also bal·lis·mus [ba-liz-muhs]. Origin of …

Dyskinesia: Types, symptoms, causes, …
    Ballism represents wild, often violent throwing or flinging of the arms or legs. Depending on their severity, these spasms may be powerful enough to cause mild to …

Ballism: Types, Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, …
    Ballism is a type of movement disorder considered rarer compared to Parkinson’s disease. Strokes are one of the most common causes of this movement disorder. Ballism …

Hemiballismus - Wikipedia
    Hemiballismus is a rare hyperkinetic movement disorder, [2] that is characterized by violent involuntary limb movements, [1] [3] on one side of the body, [4] and can …

Ballism | Article about Ballism by The Free Dictionary
    Also found in: Medical . hemiballismus [ ¦he·mē·bə′liz·məs] (medicine) Sudden, violent, spasmodic movements involving particularly the proximal portions of the extremities of …

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