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Carina | definition of carina by Medical dictionary
    carina (kə-rī′nə, -rē′-) n. pl. cari·nae (-nē) A keel-shaped ridge or structure, such as that on the breastbone of a bird or of the fused lower two petals of flowers of many members of the pea family. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by …

Carina (anatomy) | definition of Carina (anatomy) by …
    Carina (anatomy) | definition of Carina (anatomy) by Medical dictionary carina of trachea (redirected from Carina (anatomy)) ca·ri·na of tra·che·a [TA] the ridge …

Carina (Medical Definition) | Quick Explainer Video
    The carina lies slightly left of the midline and the right mainstem bronchus branches off at a lower angle compared to the left mainstem bronchus. This results in a …

Carina | Radiology Reference Article |
    The carina represents the inferior termination of the trachea into the right and left main bronchi. The carina usually sits at the level of the sternal angle and the …

Cariña | definition of Cariña by Medical dictionary
    1. In humans, a term applied or applicable to several anatomic structures forming a projecting central ridge. 2. That portion of the sternum in a bird, bat, or mole that serves …

Carinal | definition of carinal by Medical dictionary
    1. In humans, a term applied or applicable to several anatomic structures forming a projecting central ridge. 2. That portion of the sternum in a bird, bat, or mole that serves …

carina - Definition |
    Latin carina = keel of a boat, hence used of several anatomical structures having a central ridge Definitions related to carina: A ridge at the bifurcation of the trachea where the …

Carina Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : a keel-shaped anatomical part, ridge, or process 2 Carina : a constellation in the southern hemisphere lying near the Southern Cross that is represented by the figure of a …

Carina Definition & Meaning |
    carina / ( kəˈriːnə, -ˈraɪ-) / noun plural -nae (-niː) or -nas a keel-like part or ridge, as in the breastbone of birds or the fused lower petals of a leguminous flower Word Origin for …

Cariña - definition of Cariña by The Free Dictionary
    Carina ( kəˈriːnə; -ˈraɪ-) n, Latin genitive Carinae ( kəˈriːniː; -ˈraɪ-) (Astronomy) a large conspicuous constellation in the S hemisphere close to the Southern Cross that contains …

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