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Dusky Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : somewhat dark in color specifically : having dark skin 2 : marked by slight or deficient light : shadowy duskily ˈdə-skə-lē adverb duskiness ˈdə-skē-nəs noun Synonyms black caliginous dark darkened darkish darkling darksome dim dimmed dusk gloomy lightless …

Dusky Definition & Meaning |
    adjective, dusk·i·er, dusk·i·est. somewhat dark; having little light; dim; shadowy. Older Use: Chiefly Literary. having dark skin. of a dark color. gloomy; sad. QUIZ Smoothly step over …

Dusky - definition of dusky by The Free Dictionary
    dusky adjective 1. Deficient in brightness: caliginous, dark, dim, murky, obscure. 2. Somewhat black: blackish, dark. 3. Of a complexion tending toward brown or black: …

DUSKY | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
    Meaning of dusky in English dusky adjective literary us / ˈdʌ / uk / ˈdʌ / dark in color: In the fall, the leaves turn a dusky red. Compare swarthy SMART Vocabulary: related …

90 Synonyms & Antonyms of DUSKY - Merriam-Webster
    Definition of dusky as in darkened being without light or without much light in the dusky depths of the dungeon Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance darkened dark black …

What is Dusky Skin Tone? Real Facts with …
    Having a dusky skin tone means you have a higher amount of melanin in your skin pigments. As most of you already know, melanin is the pigment in the skin. And higher the …

Dusky - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
    Something that's dusky is dark or poorly lit, like the dusky walk home from your friend's house at twilight. You can also use this adjective to describe a darker shade of …

Blue discoloration of the skin: MedlinePlus …
    Blood that has lost its oxygen is dark bluish-red. People whose blood is low in oxygen tend to have a bluish color to their skin. This condition is called cyanosis. Depending on …

Dusky: Definition with Dusky Pictures and Photos - Lexic
    Definition of Dusky 1. somewhat dark [adj DUSKIER, DUSKIEST] : DUSKILY [adv] Medical Definition of Dusky 1. 1. Partially dark or obscure; not luminous; dusk; as, a …

Bluish skin | definition of Bluish skin by Medical dictionary
    cy·a·no·sis. ( sī'ă-nō'sis) A dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin, nail beds, lips, or mucous membranes seen with sulfmethemoglobin concentrations of 0.5 g per …

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