At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Engorgement. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Engorgement | definition of engorgement by Medical …
    1. distention of a body part or organ with blood or other fluids. 2. hyperemia. breast engorgement swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply as a precursor to lactation. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, …

Engorgement Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    engorged; engorging. transitive verb. : to fill with blood to the point of congestion. the gastric mucosa was greatly engorged. intransitive verb. : to suck blood to the limit of body …

Engorge | definition of engorge by Medical dictionary
    en·gorge. (ĕn-gôrj′) v. To fill to excess, as with blood or other fluid. en·gorge′ment n. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin …

Engorged | definition of engorged by Medical dictionary
    en·gorged. ( en-gōrjd' ), Absolutely filled; distended with fluid. See also: congested, hyperemic. [O. Fr. fr. Mediev. L. gorgia, throat, narrow passage, fr. L. gurges, a whirlpool] …

ENGORGEMENT | definition in the Cambridge English …
    us / ɪnˈɡɔːrdʒ.mənt / uk / ɪnˈɡɔːdʒ.mənt / the state of a part of the body that has become swollen or filled with a liquid, for example blood: vascular engorgement Cardiac disease …

Vascular engorgement | definition of vascular …
    1. distention of a body part or organ with blood or other fluids. 2. hyperemia. breast engorgement swelling of the breast due to an increase in blood and lymph supply as a …

Breast Engorgement: Causes and Tips for Relief
    Breast engorgement is breast swelling that results in painful, tender breasts. It’s caused by an increase in blood flow and milk supply in your breasts, and it occurs in …

Engorgement - definition of engorgement by The Free …
    v. en·gorged, en·gorg·ing, en·gorg·es 1. To devour greedily. 2. To gorge; glut. 3. To fill to excess, as with blood or other fluid. v.intr. To feed ravenously. [French engorger, from …

Breast Engorgement Causes, Treatments, and …
    Breast engorgement is the development of hard, swollen, and painful breasts when too much breast milk accumulates in the milk ducts. Engorged …

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