At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Gastrocnemius. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Gastrocnemius Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition gastrocnemius noun gas· troc· ne· mi· us ˌgas- (ˌ)träk-ˈnē-mē-əs, -trək- plural gastrocnemii -mē-ˌī : the largest and most superficial muscle of the calf of the leg that arises by two heads from the condyles of the femur and has its tendon …

Gastrocnemius Muscle: Anatomy, Function, and …

    Gastrocnemius | definition of gastrocnemius by Medical …
      gas·troc·ne·mi·us (mus·cle) [TA] superficial muscle of posterior (plantar flexor) compartment of leg; origin, by two heads (lateral and medial) from the lateral and …

    Gastrocnemius Muscle: Origin, insertion, functions | Kenhub

      Gastrocnemius muscle - Wikipedia

        The Calf Muscle (Human Anatomy): Diagram, Function, …

          The gastrocnemius is the larger calf muscle, forming the bulge visible beneath the skin. The gastrocnemius has two parts or "heads," which together create its diamond shape. The soleus is a...

        Gastrocnemius Definition & Meaning |

          noun, plural gas·troc·ne·mi·i [gas-trok-nee-mee-ahy, gas-truh-nee-]. Anatomy. the largest muscle in the calf of the leg, the action of which extends the foot, raises the heel, and …

        Gastrocnemius - Physiopedia

          The gastrocnemius muscle is a complex muscle that is fundamental for walking and posture. Gastrocnemius forms the major bulk at the back of lower leg and is a very powerful muscle. It is a two joint or biarticular …

        Gastrocnemius muscle | definition of gastrocnemius …

          gas·troc·ne·mi·us mus·cle. ( gas'trok-nē'mē-ŭs mŭs'ĕl) Origin, by two heads (lateral and medial) from the lateral and medial condyles of the femur; insertion, with soleus by …

        Medial Gastrocnemius Strain Overview and Treatment

          A medial gastrocnemius strain (MGS) is a specific type of injury to the calf muscle in the back of the leg. The strain occurs when the muscle stretches too far, tearing the tendon and muscle portion of the …

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