At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Genupectoral Position. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Genupectoral position | definition of genupectoral …
    genupectoral position: a prone posture resting on the knees and upper part of the chest, assumed for gynecologic or rectal examination. Synonym(s): genupectoral position

Genupectoral | definition of genupectoral by Medical …
    genupectoral: (jē′noo″pek′tŏ-răl, jen″ū jen″oo-) [ genu + pectoral ] Pert. to the chest and knees (as in the knee-chest position).

position | Taber's Medical Dictionary - Unbound Medicine
    position. (pŏ-zish′ŏn) [L. positio, a placing] 1. The place or arrangement in which something is put. 2. The manner in which a body is arranged, as by the nurse or physician for …

Genupectoral position - definition of genupectoral …
    Define genupectoral position. genupectoral position synonyms, genupectoral position pronunciation, genupectoral position translation, English dictionary definition of …

Bozeman's position | definition of Bozeman's position by …
    position. (po-zish'on ) [L. positio, a placing] 1. The place or arrangement in which something is put. 2. The manner in which a body is arranged, as by the nurse or physician for …

Genucubital position | definition of genucubital position …
    genucubital position: a prone position resting on the knees and elbows, assumed for gynecologic or rectal examination or operation. Synonym(s): genucubital position

Patient Positioning: Sims Position, Fowler's …
    Fowler's Position. Fowler's position, also known as sitting position, is typically used for neurosurgery and shoulder surgeries. The beach chair position is often …

knee-chest position
    genupectoral position — knee chest p … Medical dictionary. Jumping position — The jumping position is a position used by equestrians when jumping over an obstacle. It …

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