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Infuse | definition of infuse by Medical dictionary
    tr.v. in·fused, in·fusing, in·fuses 1. To steep or soak without boiling in order to extract soluble elements or active principles. 2. To introduce (a solution) into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes. in·fus′er n. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright …

Infusion Therapy: What Is It, What Conditions Does It Treat?

    Infusion | definition of infusion by Medical dictionary
      in·fu·sion ( in-fyū'zhŭn ), 1. The process of steeping a substance in water, either cold or hot (below the boiling point), to extract its soluble principles. 2. A medicinal preparation …

    Infuse Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      infuse verb in· fuse in-ˈfyüz infused; infusing transitive verb 1 : to steep in liquid (as water) without boiling so as to extract the soluble constituents or principles 2 : to administer or …

    Infusion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      1 : the act or process of infusing an infusion of new ideas 2 : a product obtained by infusing herbal infusions 3 : the continuous slow introduction of a solution especially into a vein …

    Infused | definition of infused by Medical dictionary
      tr.v. in·fused, in·fusing, in·fuses 1. To steep or soak without boiling in order to extract soluble elements or active principles. 2. To introduce (a solution) into the body through a vein for …

    Medical Definition of Infuse - MedicineNet
      Infuse: In medicine, to introduce a solution into the body through a vein. An infusion is the therapeutic introduction of a fluid other than blood into a vein. The …

    Intravenous infusion | definition of intravenous infusion …
      1. the steeping of a substance in water to obtain its soluble principles. 2. the product obtained by this process. 3. the slow therapeutic introduction of fluid other than blood …

    What is Infusion Therapy & What …
      Infusion therapy is usually employed to treat serious or chronic infections that do not respond to oral antibiotics. Cancers and the pain caused by cancers; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; …

    Medical Definition of Infuse - RxList
      Infuse: In medicine, to introduce a solution into the body through a vein. An infusion is the therapeutic introduction of a fluid other than blood into a vein. The …

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