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Lineae albicantes Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    noun plural. lineae al· bi· can· tes -ˌal-bə-ˈkan-ˌtēz. : whitish marks in the skin especially of the abdomen and breasts that often follow pregnancy.

Lineae albicantes | definition of lineae albicantes by …
    lineae albicantes: [ lin´e-ah ] ( L. ) line . linea al´ba white line; the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between the two rectus muscles. li´neae albican´tes white or …

Linea albicantes | definition of linea albicantes by …
    1. A long, narrow mark or a strand of material. 2. anatomy Any linear mark or streak distinguished from adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. 3. A strain of cells or …

Lineae albicantes: Definition with Lineae albicantes Pictures and …
    Medical Definition of Lineae albicantes. 1. Bands of thin wrinkled skin, initially red but becoming purple and white, which occur commonly on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs …

    lineae albicantes - FastHealth Medical Dictionary. lineae al·bi·can·tes. n pl : whitish marks in the skin esp. of the abdomen and breasts that often follow pregnancy . …

Lineae albicantes | Article about lineae albicantes by The …
    linea. (lin -ee-ă) (plural: lineae) a dark or bright elongated marking, straight or curved, on the surface of a planet or satellite. The word is used in the approved name of such a feature. …

lineae albicantes -
    Medical dictionary. lineae albicantes. lineae albicantes. lineae al·bi·can·tesə-'kan-.tēz n pl whitish marks in the skin esp. of the abdomen and breasts that often follow …

linea | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    (lin′ē-ē″) pl. lineae [L. linea, line] An anatomical line. There's more to see -- the rest of this topic is available only to subscribers.

Lineae albicantes financial definition of lineae albicantes
    Definition of lineae albicantes in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is lineae albicantes? Meaning of lineae albicantes …

Lineages legal definition of Lineages
    Properly speaking lineage is the relationship of persons in a direct line; as the grandfather, the father, the son, the grandson, &c. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and …

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