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Normal flora | definition of normal flora by Medical dictionary
- normal flora. Microorganisms including bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that are found on or in specific areas of the body. The skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, …
13.1: Normal Flora of the Human Body - Biology …
- Normal flora is found in all areas of the human body exposed to the environment (one exception is the lungs), but internal organs and body fluids are …
Normal Flora of Human Body - Definition, …
- The normal flora of the human body refers to the microbial community that colonizes on the skin and mucus membrane. Normal flora is sometimes called indigenous …
Normal Flora & Transient Flora | What is Normal Flora?
- The definition of normal flora is the population of microbes that is a permanent inhabitant of different body sites in a healthy person. Normal flora is also …
Normal Flora - PubMed
- A diverse microbial flora is associated with the skin and mucous membranes of every human being from shortly after birth until death. The human body, which contains about 10 13 …
Flora | definition of flora by Medical dictionary
- flora. (flôr′ə) n. pl. floras or florae (flôr′ē′) 1. Plants considered as a group, especially the plants of a particular country, region, or time. 2. A treatise describing the plants of a …
Normal flora: Definition, Types, its presence …
- Normal flora refers to the population of microorganisms that inhabit skin and mucous membranes of normal body. A healthy fetus in-utero is free from microorganisms. During …
Normal oral flora | definition of normal oral flora by …
- flora 1. The entire plant life of a region. 2. In medicine, the term is used to refer to the entire bacterial life of a region of the body, as in ‘intestinal flora’, ‘oral flora’, ‘skin flora’ or …
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