At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Buboes. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bubo Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    bu· bo ˈbyü- (ˌ)bō ˈbü- plural buboes : an inflammatory swelling of a lymph gland especially in the groin bubonic byü-ˈbä-nik bü- adjective Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Porters greeting the ships found a grisly sight: a few ill sailors, their …

Bubo - Wikipedia

    Buboes | definition of Buboes by Medical dictionary
      bubo [ bu´bo] (pl. bu´boes) a tender, enlarged, and inflamed lymph node, particularly in the axilla or groin, resulting from absorption of infective material and occurring in …

    Buboe | definition of Buboe by Medical dictionary
      bubo [ bu´bo] (pl. bu´boes) a tender, enlarged, and inflamed lymph node, particularly in the axilla or groin, resulting from absorption of infective material and occurring in various …

    Bubonic Plague (Black Death): What Is It, Symptoms, …
      Bubonic plague is one type of plague. It gets its name from the swollen lymph nodes (buboes) caused by the disease. The nodes in the armpit, groin and neck can become as …

    Bubonic plague Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      : a form of plague that is spread especially from rats to humans by fleas and is marked by chills, fever, weakness, and buboes Medical Definition bubonic plague …

    Buboes - definition of buboes by The Free Dictionary
      n. pl. bu·boes. An inflamed, tender swelling of a lymph node, especially in the area of the armpit or groin, that is characteristic of certain infectious diseases, such as …

    Medical Definition of Bubo - MedicineNet
      Bubo: An enlarged lymph node that is tender and painful. Buboes particularly occur in the groin and armpit (the axillae). These swollen glands are seen in a …

    Medical Definition of Buboes - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Buboes. MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy …

    Medical Definition of Buboes
      Read medical definition of Buboes. Drugs & Vitamins Drugs A-Z Generic Drugs A-Z Drugs by Classification Drugs Comparison (Drug Vs. Drug) Vitamins & …

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