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Combative Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    combative: [adjective] marked by eagerness to fight or contend.

Combative Definition & Meaning |
    Combative definition, ready or inclined to fight; pugnacious: He displayed a most unpleasant, combative attitude. See more.

Combative - definition of combative by The Free Dictionary
    combative: See: argumentative , competitive , contentious , hostile , litigious , offensive , pugnacious

How to Respond to Combative Behavior In …
    Combative Behavior is a term often used to describe physical aggression in people with dementia. Combativeness can include hitting, pushing, kicking, …

103 Synonyms & Antonyms of COMBATIVE - Merriam …
    Synonyms for COMBATIVE: aggressive, militant, hostile, contentious, confrontational, assaultive, belligerent, irritable; Antonyms of COMBATIVE: nonaggressive ...

How To Deal With Combative Patients
    Certain medical conditions, such as a stroke, head injury, and dementia, can lead to personality changes, including anger. Medication side effects can also affect …

Combat | definition of combat by Medical dictionary
    fight: or flight response The general activation of the sympathetic nervous system in response to stress.

Combative dualism | definition of Combative dualism by …
    dualism. (doo'a-lizm, du'a) [L. dualis, containing two + -ism] 1. The condition of being double or twofold. 2. The theory that human beings consist of two entities, mind and matter, that …

Combative | Definition of Combative by Webster's Online Dictionary
    Combative explanation. Define Combative by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream …

Combatives - Wikipedia
    History. Sometimes called Close-Quarters Combat (CQC or close combat), World War II-era American combatives were largely developed by Britain's William E. Fairbairn and …

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